Code S214
Model RTSB-100
Capacity Thick Grain Leather Bag for Extended Life
Weight (kg) 1.61
Weight (m3) 0.001
Weight (Freight) 1.61
Dimensions (cm) 16 x 10.5 x 7
1 Year

RTSB-100 Rectangle Leather Bag - Steel Shot Filled Thick Grain Leather Bag for Extended Life


Thick grain leather bag for extended life and blemish free metal surface. These bags have suede outer surface for forming and a extremely tough inner surface to resist abrasive wear from media, also includes a reinforced hook & loop seal for easy adjustment of the fill to suit your requirements and the ability to change to different media such as lead shot.


  • Pre-filled with steel shot ready for use


MODELRectangle Leather Bag
Steel Shot Filled
Product Type1
Number of PiecesNo.~
Dolly Section Size150 x 100
Leather Bag Sizemm~
Hammer Type~
Auto Panel Restoration Dollies~
Auto Panel Restoration Spoons~
Stand Heightmm2
Nett Weightkg

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